
Showing posts from 2010

Second Declaration of Independence

Adding things up

Income Taxes Are Not For Income to the Federal Government

A letter to Congess on the "food safety bill"

Net Neutrality

Most honorable and esteemed member of Congressman

The Insidious Art of Compromise

Understanding Congressional Trickery

The Progressive and Decadent Side of the GOP

The revolution has begun

Tipping Point

How do you report a crime in progress?

Disdain for the American People

Quantatative Easing Explained

Rules for Vampires

Fairness Doctrines or simply an assault on your freedom of speech.

Who is George Soros?

The Lame Duck Revenge

Freedom and abortion


The Swinging Pendulum

Libertarianism and the Tea Party

The pendulum swings

Second Declaration by Keith Thompson

"Marxism in America" by Lt. Gen. (Ret.) W.G. Boykin

Divide and conquer

What is a liberal?

Citizens Against Government Waste

Culture of Corruption

A Call to Action.

The problem with politics.

Tricking the ballot

To the honorable members of Congress.

Rush; no comprimise to our freedom

The Politician