Second Declaration of Independence

Posted by Larry Warrick on 04/09/09 10:35 AM to Campaign for Liberty

Washington DC
Dateline July 4th, 2009

The rash of tea parties and demonstrations across the United States through what some are calling the "summer of rage" culminated in a mass march of some 20 million people in the nation's capital today. Prominent leaders from many parts of the country delivered what has become known as the Second Declaration of Independence to the White house and US Congress on Capital Hill, bearing over 100 million signatures.

Sources in government, speaking on condition of anonymity, confirmed that the documents, weighing over 3 tons, were delivered to the empty buildings, terrified lawmakers having fled the capital yesterday when it became clear that law enforcement and security forces were no longer able to guarantee the safety of government personnel due to the sheer weight of numbers converging on the capital.

As throngs of demonstrators converged on the White House, impromptu live musical performances and streetside food, drink and t-shirt vendors gave the proceedings a carnival quality rarely seen in the grim days of the last 2 years. Within hours, the entire capital was awash with people singing, dancing and celebrating the bloodless political coup that had taken place in the deserted capital buildings.

International reaction to the news has been muted as political leaders worldwide make attempts to block domestic reporting by mainstream media outlets. Civilian internet services in many countries have been completely shut down as panicky authorities make last ditch efforts to prevent protests and demonstrations from 'going viral', threatening their own tenuous holds on power.

State and local lawmakers throughout the country have appeared publicly announcing a new constitutional convention to take place in the fall, when it is expected that the framework for new interstate relations will be laid. Whilst nothing is being confirmed at this time, it is generally understood that any new North American Union will not resemble the now discredited constitutional Republic of 1789, which many consider flawed in its granting of powers to a central governing body, making way for the chronic abuses of the 20th century.

These are indeed historic times.

Make this happen - Sign The Second Declaration of Independence!


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