
Showing posts from 2012

Warning, important health notification!

Guns and the war waged against them

Savage is back

The Road to World War Three

Benghazi Investigation

Worthy Quotes

Falling On Principle

Do or Die; or "The Zombies are Coming"

Is it time to alter or abolish our present form of government?

As The Worm Squirms

Egregious Acts by the IRS

Jury nullification education still barely 'legal'


Civil War?

Ron Paul Still Cooking After Santorum Leaves Race

Battle-of-Athens, Tenn.

Alliances with the devil can go very, very bad

Obama authorizes himself to declare martial law

The GOP is committing suicide

The brewing battle

Washington Caucus, Snohomish county precinct 37, Kenmore Community Center 2012

A Common Interest of Concern

Why the American system of selecting a presidential candidate is useless

It pays very well to own the media

U.S. Senate Bill # S.968 internet takeover bill Inbox

Another step towards accepting a dictatorship.

The Fax business; a growing business concept.

Obama has just broken the law again

Truth in Politics or Not

It's our Freedom Stupid