Time for cannons:

The hardest things in life are getting the attention of the blinder wearing media or your self serving government officials.

Imagine a parade of marchers all stylishly dressed in colonial militia uniforms and carrying muskets, drums and the red, white and blue, following close behind is a horse drawn caisson with cannon in tow.

The parade marches down Pennsylvania Avenue and maneuvers smartly into formation in front of the capital building with great showmanship and flair. As the troops are maneuvering into position with the troops facing the white house steps, the caisson pulls into place and drops the cannon tongue to the ground ready for action also facing the white house steps.

The captain in charge unrolls his orders and after a proper drum roll reads his declaration and demands out loud to the folks in the white house and to the on looking media.

Immediately afterward, the drill sergeant orders up shoulder arms and fires a volley of white smoke into the air which is followed by the cannon firing a giant wad of red White and blue confetti onto the white house lawn.

If this approach doesn’t get some attention, perhaps the next plan would be to just blow the doors off of the White house.


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