A Letter to My Congresspersons

Congressional malfeasance:

I can not believe that you are not aware of the havoc that the current administration and the current crop of insane bills will have on our country and our freedom.

I can not believe that any one with the moxie to get elected to the Congress would not have the brains to know that the current administration, the treasonous actions by some of the members of congress and the current bills now being hashed over by the house is counter to our constitution and totally non American in spirit and illegal in nature.

Therefore as a citizen and tax payer of the United States of America, I, C. Lyle Brunckhorst hereby demand the immediate arrest of House of Representatives Majority Whip Nancy Pelosi and that she be charged with treason, fraud, bribery and illegal intimidation of fellow House members of the Congress of the United States of America.

I further insist that Senator Harry Reid of Nevada be charged with similar accounts of felonious misconduct as well for abetting his counterpart Nancy Pelosi.

I would also highly suggest again or rather implore you to immediately start the impeachment processes on Barack Hussein Obama for the reasons that he is not of sufficient mental capability to run our government or he is an enemy of the state.

Either Barack Hussein Obama is totally insane and not capable of running our country without destroying our economy, the health care system and our freedom, or he is sane and his objective is to destroy all three of the afore mentioned and shred our constitution.

Let’s put that another way;

Either Barack Hussein Obama is totally naive and not capable of running our country without destroying our economy, the health care system and our freedom, or he is very much qualified and his sole and sinister objective is to destroy all three of the afore mentioned with the intensions of shredding our constitution and fundamentally changing our country to a total socialistic or communistic nation. There can be no other rational or logical reason for his actions.

We have heard the insane dribble that we need to care for the unfortunate and ensure that no one gets left behind. Most of us also know that the worst thing that we could do for our fellow man would be to imprison them with the notion that they have to rely on the very thing that cares the least for them, the government.

I further suggest that if you can not bring your self to take swift action needed to save our country with certain disaster, that you please remove your self from office immediately and let some one with enough courage lead this country back to its foundation.


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