The Deep State
The Deep State
The DS has been around for a very long time and its
secretive shadowy members have known that defeating America
would be impossible unless it was done very slowly and methodically. They knew
that it would have to be America
itself that defeated America
from within.
Much of the ground work was laid by the Democratic Party by
defeating the American Indians, enslaving the blacks and later using them to
create racial division. However the German Nazis borrowed that same mode of
operation to destroy the Jewish communities in Germany
and other parts of Europe . Hitler also greatly expanded
on these tactics and gave birth to Mien Kampf in 1925 that laid out the plan to
overthrow Germany .
The DS has controlled all US presidents since Kennedy except
for Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump and some even before that including Franklin
Roosevelt who was supportive of a “One World Government”. The DS has most
likely also controlled the leaders of many other countries as well including Australia
and Canada .
The DS has controlled the media since 1917 our currency
since 1913, the public school system and Universities, Hollywood ,
most of the 1200 plus government agencies and the US Congress.
The DS knew that in order to destroy a nation, you had to
convince the people that their country was born corrupt by corrupt people and
that they had been used and lied to. Never mind that these people would be
destroying the very freedoms that they not only enjoy but of which they are
using to destroy them.
The Welfare State
The Democrats and the chances of the DS to succeed would
have died a rightful death if the Democrats had allowed the Republicans to keep
the economy humming.
The Democrats knew that the Republicans would have sooner
taught people to fish and that would have aided the Republicans. So the
Democrats sought ways to drop anchor on the economy through taxation and then
in return award those affected with welfare and that has been their base for
some time and for all practical purposes their only real base.
Linden Johnson out of frustration and anger once was quoted,
"I'll have those niggers voting Democratic for 200 years." That statement was indeed a welfare game plan.
As of late, the GOP has been working even harder to try and
ensure all of their candidates are RINO’s in order to throw the elections to
the Democrat party or keep the Congress in check with the DS.
In fact the DS ensured that the GOP would stop Ron Paul from
being nominated as the Presidential Candidate, and as a PCO Officer I got to
witness first hand at exactly how they managed to do it. It was criminal and
quite possibly treasonous in nature all under the guise of “Parliament
Mitt Romney was chosen simply because the DS needed a GOP
candidate that could and would ensure that America
elected its first black Democrat president who also happened to be a shadow
figure with dubious and secretive past with several fake Social Security numbers
a fake birth certificate.
After a hundred or more years of spending tons of money to
control so much of America the DS was eager to cash in on their investment and
was hopeful that Obama could drive in the last nail of America’s coffin and he
nearly succeeded by passing the so called “Affordable Healthcare Act” that was
anything but affordable or much about health care either.
It became obvious that Obama even after securing the second
election, I will refrain from say WINNING the election, was not going to be
able to finish the job primarily because the National Rifleman’s Association
had much influence on Congress as well.
Without a national ban on firearms, the DS knew that it
could not finish the American coup so they needed yet another stool pidgin
puppet in office to try and finish the job and along came Hillary.
Perhaps if they had waited for one more generation to be
indoctrinated by Hollywood , the
Saturday morning comics, the MSM, the Universities and the Public School
System, they might have succeeded.
What they failed to realize was that people were starting to
catch on, taking to social media for their information and starting to mistrust
government and the media.
What they didn’t see coming was a well educated, highly
intelligent, no nonsense and very successful businessman with a very high IQ
would catch on with the people who were becoming more and more fearful for
their well being.
What they should have know was that intelligent people would
see right through Hillary Rodham Clinton and run to the polls to ensure that
she was defeated out of shear fear.
This brings America
to a very troubling cross road; Trump is brilliantly working hard to right America
and bring back prosperity, trying to drain the swamp that is filled to the brim
with extremely dangerous and unscrupulous creatures and he is pretty much on
his own except for the people who elected him to office. Meanwhile the
creatures from the swamp have stepped so far over the line of criminality and
treason that they can not afford to stop trying to overthrow the government and
will resort to anything to succeed in their quest for complete destruction of
liberty just to keep them selves free and out of the clutches of the hangman.
False Flag Events
As you can see, we are dealing with desperate and diabolical
people with an unlimited cash source of both your stolen tax dollar money and
their own deep pockets. They will stop at nothing to succeed and will resort to
unthinkable things to get what they want.
In fact they have already dealt with unthinkable things both
around the world and also here in America ,
where these things just don’t happen.
What is a False Flag Event? The most famous was one
contrived by the Nazis to create an excuse to invade Poland
at the beginning of World War Two. A group of Nazi Gestapo set fire to a
library, dressed some unfortunate folks, who were at hand, in Polish army
uniforms, shot them and left them as evidence of a false attack by Poland .
Another and more sinister false flag event was one on
American soil that killed several thousand office workers and wrought total
destruction of three financial high rise buildings in New York City. This one
was blamed on Bin Laden and several camel jockeys who took government aided
flying lessons in America
but reportedly had no interest in learning how to land the craft.
To this day, in spite of volumes of evidence that clearly
demonstrates that the feasibility of two planes bringing down three buildings,
in the precise manner as they did, is preposterous, and it is still heralded as
fact by the supporters of the Deep State .
The reason for this False Flag Event? It created a brand new
gigantic government agency that keeps far better track of US citizens than the
camel jockeys that supposedly flew various airplanes into buildings.
End Game Plan
Now you know the who, or should by now, can you spell FED,
you know the why, how it has been played out and how desperate they are.
The big question is: What will be the next false flag event?
They killed Lincoln ,
killed Kennedy and tried to kill Reagan of which all were non DS members. Trump
is also not a DS member and he is America ’s
last hope. Think about that.
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