Small potatoes, huge concern
Small potatoes, huge concern
True capitalism, or rather true free marketing, normally
brings better products at ever decreasing prices as manufactures get better at
mass production and we have witnessed that in the cheap prices of some
electronic products. The same can be said for the service industry as well.
Competition keeps prices at the lowest level simply because if you don’t or
can’t, someone else will or can.
It has been said that capitalism has to be regulated to
ensure that greedy corporations don’t monopolize an industry and charge excessive
prices because the competition has been eliminated.
There may be some truth in that assumption, however reality
has shown clearly that it is the very regulations that our lawmakers generate
on an annual basis that is the true culprit in driving up prices and reducing
It would be one thing if our lawmakers were to make laws out
of concern for the citizens that elected them but these lawmakers rarely or
never hear the voices of the concerned citizen. They are however hammered
relentlessly by lobbyist working for various corporations that more often, than
not, write their own laws that allow the corporations to deal with the public,
as they see fit, without fear of competition and it is always labeled as
some form of consumer protection act.
The citizen consumer finds himself in a never ending spiral
of higher and higher costs of services and goods but it's done in an
incrementally small but steady process so as not to upset the consumer to the
point of actual defiance. How much are you paying for cable TV?
The cost of living in America
now requires all members of a household, old enough to work, to help support
the family, making America’s
working class more impoverished as time goes on.
We are told that we now live in a world class driven economy
and that we must adjust to it. Truth is America
cannot compete with the world simply because we are hamstrung by our own laws,
rules and regulations and that forces us to import products from countries that
do not have uncountable shackles to comply with.
The same that applies to a house hold also applies to a
small business as the cost of business is driven by the same pack of rascals
driving up their costs as well. Maybe you have noticed that most businesses in
the US are now
chain owned stores and services that have the capital and political clout to
better deal with the shear bureaucracy of an overwhelming government with the
myriad of regulations.
Maybe it is time for America to start thinking about Big Over
Bloated Government and start doing something about it and maybe the citizens
need their own lobbyists.
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