Warning, important health notification!

Warning, important health notification!

This is an extreme important health notification of immediate and grave concern.

There have been a record number of cases of inflammation that has infected a record number of American citizens that unless addressed and brought under immediate control will bring about serious and irreversible consequences.

It is not generally known what causes this ailment but much study of it has been conducted over the past several decades including the analysis of several major outbreaks that devastated several countries during the last century and nearly wiped out entire cultures or nationalities of citizens.

It is thought that the debilitating problem arises first within the brain stem and spreads to the lower extremities where it settles in the joints and results in convulsive spasms and that once infected spreads very rapidly within entire groups and cultures unchecked as no cure has been found to stop its progression.

So far the only known prevention of this malady, that has been discovered as of this writing, has been the intense and unrelenting education of the causes and debilitating results of becoming infected and the person’s ability of warding off the infection before it becomes manifested and malignant.

What has been found to be the most surprising and insidious aspect of this malady is the fact that humans need not to make actual contact with each other to spread the disease and that it spreads fastest by means of various electronic radiation within the atmosphere.

No official name or nomenclature has been officially given this malady as yet, in all probability due to political reasons, but most folks that are aware of this malady refer to it as “Knee Jerk Reactionary Syndrome”.

The diminutive name seems to greatly belie the horrendous consequences of the vicious malady but history has recorded approximately 56 to 80 million resulting deaths, depending on which report is used, during the 20th Century alone.

Most Americans still are under the assumption that this malady can not cross the borders and manifest itself withinin the United States, but history and common sense tells us other wise and that it would behoove ourselves to be on guard against such a devastating situation.

In closing, I would like to remind all, that the tragic and horrendous shootings that have occurred lately in our schools are indeed terrible and unthinkable, but compared to what could very well happen, in our county as well, should we falter and make the same “Knee Jerk” mistake that the people of Germany, Russia, China and various other countries made, just prior to the execution of the millions of innocent citizens would be by scale, millions of times more tragic than that.

Do not ever give up your right to own arms.

A well regulated militia,

being necessary to the security of a free state,

the right of the people to keep and bear arms,

shall not be infringed.


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